Corinne woke at 7:30, not atypically early. I rolled over to get up and noticed we forgot to turn on the alarm. I certainly don't want Kevin to be late for work. So, thankfully, I turned it on and got out of bed to get Corinne. She loves the morning and is usually a happy little girl in the morning, today was not an exception. We came down stairs, made her a bottle, and started the coffee. She and I sat down in the family room to give her the bottle. I turned on the TV to watch the "Today Show" while she ate, but it wasn't on. It was an infomercial instead. Why would they put and infomercial on Monday morning at 7:30 am? OH, wait, it must be Sunday. Then I thought back through the last couple of days to determine the day of the week. Yep, it is Sunday. I better go turn off the alarm before it goes off. Alright, back downstairs, let's get coffee. I pull out the coffee pot and immediately spill quite a bit. It seems REALLY full. Then I notice coffee EVERYWHERE. The pot I use for just me is attached to the microwave and the water reservoir pull out to be filled, you don't fill the pot and pour it in. I did not empty the pot of the old coffee. So, the pot overflowed (I am guessing 3-4 cups over) and flooded the microwave shelf and the counter below. I did get all of this cleaned up and started over with another attempt to make coffee. This attempt went much better and now I am awake and amused enough with mommy sleepiness that I needed to share.
Corinne also wants me to wish a Happy 60th Birthday to her Grandpa Nicholls.
It was fun celebrating with you yesterday!
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