I just wanted to sneak this cute snuggly picture in. This is how I found Kevin and Corinne when I came home from photographing a wedding on Saturday. I love them!
We had a spectacular day in the park yesterday. It was gorgreous out and Corinne had a blast walking around, playing on the swings, the tunnel, the slide, and flying.
Corinne had her 15 month appointment today. She is doing great, developing, growing, learning, all that fun stuff. She weighed in at 20 pounds, 10 ounces, 15th percentile. She is 32.5 inches long, 95 percentile. She is staying right on her growth curve. We figure there are worse things to be than tall and thin.
After the appointment Kevin had to head out of town for work. I decided to really treat my self while he was out of town and picked up some tuna helper for us for dinner. Kevin hates hot tuna, and the smell of tuna cooking, but I adore tuna helper. Corinne LOVED it. She usually feed the dogs her food when she is done eating, today she stacked it on her sippy cup. As you can see, it was finger licking good. We still miss daddy though.
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