Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dar Williams Concert Coming Up...

Dar Williams

Wednesday, Aug 26 8:00p at The Ark in Ann Arbor
Price: $36.00 - $43.00
Dar Williams is a longtime Ark favorite who finds the personal in the political and the universal -- and sets folk commitment to great pop tunes. Dar has always kept audiences guessing. Are her songs autobiographical? They're so vivid, and they seem so personal, that you assume they must be. But Dar says that she prefers to write about and for other people. Her songs tell stories of politics, religion, sexuality, and family. Dar's passion for the big picture has led to a long-held connection to social and environmental issues, and she's gotten involved with various projects, including community gardening and lobbying for renewable energy, in the upstate New York town of Beacon where she lives. Dar's latest album, "Promised Land," is a serious piece of work that includes a cover of the Fountains of Wayne song "Troubled Times."

It is a great show. We love going to see her every year.

What a morning.

I usually just tell you about the family goings on and fun stuff with Corinne on this blog. However, this morning has been so off that I need to share it.

Corinne woke at 7:30, not atypically early. I rolled over to get up and noticed we forgot to turn on the alarm. I certainly don't want Kevin to be late for work. So, thankfully, I turned it on and got out of bed to get Corinne. She loves the morning and is usually a happy little girl in the morning, today was not an exception. We came down stairs, made her a bottle, and started the coffee. She and I sat down in the family room to give her the bottle. I turned on the TV to watch the "Today Show" while she ate, but it wasn't on. It was an infomercial instead. Why would they put and infomercial on Monday morning at 7:30 am? OH, wait, it must be Sunday. Then I thought back through the last couple of days to determine the day of the week. Yep, it is Sunday. I better go turn off the alarm before it goes off. Alright, back downstairs, let's get coffee. I pull out the coffee pot and immediately spill quite a bit. It seems REALLY full. Then I notice coffee EVERYWHERE. The pot I use for just me is attached to the microwave and the water reservoir pull out to be filled, you don't fill the pot and pour it in. I did not empty the pot of the old coffee. So, the pot overflowed (I am guessing 3-4 cups over) and flooded the microwave shelf and the counter below. I did get all of this cleaned up and started over with another attempt to make coffee. This attempt went much better and now I am awake and amused enough with mommy sleepiness that I needed to share.

Corinne also wants me to wish a Happy 60th Birthday to her Grandpa Nicholls. We all hope you have another fantastic day.
It was fun celebrating with you yesterday!

Friday, July 24, 2009

I forgot what?

Corinne and I took off to tour the state last week with my mom. We had a bridal shower to attend in Kalamazoo and figured we might as well stay a while on the west side of the state. The shower was in a gorgeous park, but was a wee bit chilly for July (read COLD). We had a great time and happy to welcome Erin into the Sniderman family.

From there we headed up to Ludington for a day and the to Frankfort to relax. On this trip I forgot nothing important, I may have been over-prepared. It was a great trip, but we missed Kevin and it was fabulous to come home.

Yesterday, we all loaded up in the Lancer and headed downtown to Comerica Park for Corinne's first Tigers Game. They lost to the Mariners, but we still had a good time. It was Kevin's work's family day. They had reserved the Pepsi Porch, which had a great view of the field, a nice lunch, and all the fabulous people from Fry. So, thank you, Fry, we had fun.

I had debated which diaper bag I was going to take when we were getting ready. Could I fit everything in my purse? No. The backpack? No. So, we wound up taking the big bag. However, I started packing my purse first. I thought I had moved everything over, but I discovered I had forgotten something I never forgot before. Mind you, Corinne is over a year old and this was the first and hopefully last time we head out without any diapers. We checked in the bathrooms, no diaper machines. We checked in the infant area of the gift shop. They sell bottles, pacifiers, every article of clothing you can imagine, and other infant things, but no diapers. Thankfully when we walked back to the Porch a co-worker of Kevin's (who he didn't know, it is a big company) arrived with a child of similar size. His mom Heidi and I were quick friends and the issue was eventually resolved with ease.

Daddy and Corinne were pretty adorable. It was raining on the way there and the way home, but it was sunny and fabulous while we were there.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July

I hope everyone is having a fabulous and safe holiday. I just came in from watching the Camp Dearborn fireworks from my backyard. They were stellar. I am quite impressed Corinne is sleeping through all these booms.

We meet Grandma and Grandpa Nicholls, and the Campbell family at Kensington this afternoon for a nice picnic. I must say, I was quite impressed they brought EVERYTHING you could imagine for the picnic. Corinne adored Jessica's exersaucer. The view of the lake was great. Corinne crashed and we had to exit to come home for nap, but we had a wonderful time.

Tomorrow we are headed back to Frankfort for even more fun in the sun.