Friday, January 29, 2010

Hands On Museum and Botanical Gardens

Corinne and I had a very busy day. We rolled out of bed, had breakfast, got dressed and took off to the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum with our playgroup. We had fun. As you can see, the slide and water table were Corinne's favorites.
She kneels at the top of the slide. When I tell her to sit on her butt she just moves her legs out more so her butt touches the slide, and then she pushes off. She was doing what I asked, but you can see it made her position on the slide very strange.
The water table was her favorite spot. Those raincoat smocks are genius. She splashed enough to drench her face and hair.

We stopped by the botanical gardens to take in some warm, thriving, living things on this cold January day. I know it helped my overall mood. She ran around and pet the plants, touched the rocks, and played in the dirt. We both thought the gardens were a treat.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Holidays, where did you go?

Okay, I see I have not had an entry since Kevin's birthday. Perhaps I owe the blog a bigger apology than I thought. Corinne and I were sick for most of December, it has not been a healthy Winter over here. We still had a blast and got to visit and play with those we love. Here are some pictures from our fantastic visit with Amy, Tiffany, Tommy, and Sam before we got sick.

Dear Blog

Dear blog,
I am sorry. I did not mean to neglect you. Life just came between us. Please accept my sincere apology. Here are a few pictures of my time away:
Crying babies and the Nicholls Family on Jessica's First Birthday
Cousins Playing on a Super Fun Slide at Grandma's
So Sweet
Playdate with Colin

Now that we have that out of the way. Everyone is doing pretty well over here. Corinne had another cold that she passed on to Kevin last week. They are both feeling good now, but still congested.

Corinne has mastered running around the house. One of her favorite games is chase. She finds Kevin or I hiding in the kitchen laundry room waiting for her, then she dashes off back to the family room and we chase her. Another very fun game is with the exercise ball, she will push it anywhere once she goes to get it.

As some of you may know, I am theoretically anti-TV for the little one. I don't think she should NEVER watch it, but I don't think it should be on most of the day. When Kevin comes home and the TV is off she greets him with a big smile, finds the remote, carries it to him, opens his hand, puts it in his hand, and snuggles up to him for them to enjoy Lazytown together. I love and hate this. It is adorable to see her so happy and for them both to totally enjoy their cuddle time, but the TV corrupts it all for me.