Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Shutterfly Representative?

It seems I keep hocking Shutterfly's products lately. I recently hosted a houseparty and taught everyone how to make photobooks. Now, I am going to take moment here to talk holiday cards.

In past years I have created my own custom card. I love squares and had 5 x 5 photos printed and then hunted for an affordable envelope option. This year I had my hands on the samples of Shutterflys photo cards and I have to tell you, they are nice. They tell stories, share moments, and so personal and fun.

I found awesome options for a sweet and modern 5 x 5 cards that come with envelopes (Can you tell the envelope hunt was rough?).

I had never even thought of doing a folded card. I remember when folded photo card cost a fortune and only could be ordered through professional photographers. Now they are affordable and look good with my snap shots. My mom is a huge fan of the holiday letter, giving everyone an update for each year. There is a perfect card for her that is a newsletter sort of format.

For the record I am sharing my love of holiday cards with you for a reason: Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly… sign up: