Friday, December 3, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Corinne and I converted her crib yesterday after her stripping down while bored and not sleeping at nap time. Kevin and I had agreed it was time for the big girl bed a little while ago, we just had not executed. I decided that she should have the option to climb out of bed to entertain herself with toys or books instead of taking off all her clothes and peeing all over. So, she helped me with the tools and we changed out the side of her crib.

She climbed in and out about 40 times, thought it was AWESOME. We played upstairs and in and out of the bed for most of the afternoon yesterday. She went to bed immediately last night (she was extra tired from no nap) and I was sure the morning would really be the test of how the big girl bed was going.

When she woke this morning she talked a bit and when I went in her room I found her studying the low railing that keeps her from rolling out of part of the bed. Typically, Corinne starts her day with big jumps in her bed while she holds onto the railing of her crib. She was studying this ankle high railing to try to figure out how she was going to hold on to it and do her morning jumps. She seemed sad, not crying, fit throwing sad, but frustrated, unable to jump sad. I think not being able to jump in the bed so rigorously is probably not a bad thing.

Tonight she climbed in and out of bed 5 or 10 times while we got ready for bed. She and Kevin brushed teeth, we read books, and I tucked her in. Again, She stayed in bed and went to sleep.

My little girl is growing up.

* I knew I was posting to early and cursing the process. Corinne fell out of bed last night and was up multiple hours and afraid of her bed. She eventually went back to sleep in her bed with one foot on the ground. We slept in late to make up for the hours in the middle.