Friday, November 20, 2009

My Computer Is Home

About a week ago my computer was sent off to the doctor. The backlight stopped working and the hard drive went kaplooey. Sadly, I had not backed up my pictures since 10/4/09. So, the last month and half has been lost. I had a really cute picture of the three of us I wanted to share, and wish I had. Then I could download it and have it again. I am sad, but not a huge deal.

Corinne is taking 5-6 steps regularly. It is pretty awesome watching her put the pieces together. She started climbing the sofa the other day. We taught her to get back down feet first. She crawls to the very edge face first and then turns around to get down. It is adorable. She is babbling more and more. Still saying "yeah", "mama", and "dada / daddy". She studies her books often, she really loves them.

We are excited the holiday season has begun. We are hosting Thanksgiving next week. Then Amy, Tiffany, Tommy, and Sam are coming 2 weeks later. I am thrilled for the craziness to begin. Kevin might not be as excited. Corinne is great at opening things now. So, presents should be super fun. I just wanted to post a quick update because I can, because my computer is home.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Halloween was a blast. Corinne dressed up in her turtle and bundled up to give out candy to all the kids that came to see her. Our wonderful neighbors were disappointed we didn't take her trick or treating because they had made her goody bags of treats she could eat. I love them, they couldn't be sweeter.

Simba got a new costume this year. I think he looks cute. Corinne thinks it is hilarious.

We also went to the zoo for part of our Halloween celebration. She adored the train and the tigers, it was very cool.

Corinne is now taking 5+ steps at a time on her own, but she still doesn't care that much about walking. She is such a fast crawler, it just seems she could care less. She is cutting her upper front teeth and in a growth spurt. So, she is still a pleasure most of the the day, but she is extra cranky when she is sleepy.